What Is It??
It is a friendly “competition”, open to paid members only, to display some or all of their finds on a month-to-month basis. There are several categories for members to enter. The categories include: Item of the Month, US Coin, Foreign Coin, Token, Gold Jewelry, Silver Item, Jewelry (non-precious), Artifact, Oldest US Coin, Most Valuable US Coin, and individual Display. The entered items must be the result of recreational detecting or searching. You cannot enter items found in a competition hunt, purchased, found in change, found by someone else, or from previous times. Only those items found since the last scheduled meeting qualify.
Purpose: To encourage members to use their detecting equipment or go searching on a regular basis, to provide enlightening displays at each meeting for members and guests; and for the fun of competing for “Detectorist-of-the Year.” [see section below for past winners]
How to Enter:
First, you must be a current OTTS member.
Second, look at your finds made since the prior month’s meeting, consider the category descriptions to select your preferred entries into each category.
Complete the FOTM entry form (blank forms are available at meetings at the FOTM table or can be printed off of the internet at ottsclub.org/files and click on FOTM entry form). Remember to print clearly and adequately describe each entry. Place all the items to be entered (other than display) in a bag with the entry form. Turn it in to the FOTM committee prior to the start of the general club meeting.
NOTE: It is the member’s job to select their entries for each category and properly complete the entry form in order to submit their finds. Do NOT ask the FOTM Committee to determine an item’s proper category or identify items at the meetings. If you have any questions about an item please contact a FOTM Committee member or an Executive Board member prior to the meeting for help. Please drop off your entries and leave the table area so the committee can attend to their duties.
“Award” Program/Recognition:
During the meeting break the attending membership will be asked to vote on the items entered in the eight voted on categories: Item of the Month, US Coin, Foreign Coin, Token, Gold Jewelry, Silver Jewelry, Jewelry, Artifact and Display. The entries will be ranked 1st, 2nd, and 3rd by the voting membership. We award a silver dime to the 1st place winner in each category. In addition, entries (except for Item of the Month) will receive points accordingly:
Logically, the more often you enter and the more categories you enter the more points you will accumulate. There will be Eleven competitions (January through November). For the Christmas meeting everyone is encouraged to create a display of their finds for the year to bring in. Find of the month points, club hunt attendance points and club service points will be tallied. There will be “Detectorist of the Year” recognition during December’s meeting. Awards are handed out to the top 15 entrants in points for the year.
Remember, it is the entrant’s responsibility to complete an entry form and properly described each entry. Also, to make sure their entries are submitted to the committee prior to the meeting’s call-to- order. All absentee entries will be allowed. It is the member’s responsibility to have a properly filled out form and arrange for the entries to be at the meeting before the meetings call-to-order. Members who have paid their annual membership dues deserve the right to participate in as many OTTS functions as possible, even if they have a work schedule or other conflict that might prevent them from attending a regular meeting.
1 Jackee A 188
2 Ryan P 138
3 Harold V 132
4 Willy A 111
5 Kirk E 106
6 Bill B 45
7 Tim S 41
8 Scott H 29
9 Sean T 22
10 Brian E 19
11 Laura S 16
12 Lee H 14
13 Allisyn W 13
14 Rick P 4
15 Susan P 3
16 Lorilee C 2
17 Lorilee C 1
17 Jeffery C 1
17 Ed V 1
17 Jessica H 1
17 Jeff C 1