REVISED 11/26/02
We, the members of the Oregon Treasure Trail Society, hereinafter referred to as O.T.T.S. have organized under this constitution to further the metal detecting hobby, to assist in the enforcement of all laws as they relate to the use of metal detection equipment and to endeavor to return all property to its rightful owners. To perpetuate, through mutual agreement with state and local historical societies, the preservation, not sale and transfer, of any valuables related to the past of historical significance . To also assist law enforcement and other public service
Section 1.
All legislative powers granted shall be vested in a five member Executive Board.
Section 2.
The elected Executive Board shall be composed of the President, Vice President,
Treasurer and Secretary. These officers and the immediate Past President shall form the Executive Board.
Section 3.
No person shall be eligible for election to the Executive Board unless he/she has been a member for at least one (1) year.
Section 4.
All OTTS activities shall be governed by the Executive Board including, but not limited to, social functions, competition hunts, public assistance, assessment and collecting of dues, disciplinary action against erring members and the forming of committees as may be necessary to carry out these goals.
Section 5.
Discussion and/or presentations by manufacturers, distributors or dealers shall be up to the Executive Board’s discretion. Private dealers or other hobby related business persons shall not conduct formal business or finalize sales during regular club meetings. Advertising, in the Club news letter is allowed and any product reports shall be on an equal time basis.
Section 6.
Terms of office shall be for one (1) year from 1 January thru 31 December. No
candidate for election to the position of President or Vice President may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in that office.
Section 7.
In the event that any elected member of the Executive Board cannot perform their duties for a period exceeding three(3) months, new elections shall be held at the next regular monthly meeting to fill the position.
Section 1.
The President is the senior member of the Oregon Treasure Trail Society. The President will be directly responsible to the general membership for the conduct of Club business and will see that the Club remains in sound financial Condition.
Section 2.
The Vice President is the second ranking member, after the President, and shall be prepared to assist the President as necessary, including the assumption of Presidential duties as required. The coordination and Scheduling of all speakers will be made through the Vice President.
Section 3.
The Secretary is responsible for maintaining a written commentary of club business. The Secretary shall prepare written minutes of all club meetings and will prepare memoranda, letters, notices, etc. as becomes necessary to notify the general membership of club events. The Secretary will maintain an uptodate
roster of all members.
Section 4.
The Treasurer will maintain the financial books of the club using acceptable
accounting procedures. A financial report will be given at each meeting. The Treasurer will not allow deficit spending.
Section 5.
The Newsletter Editor shall keep the membership informed about Club
accomplishments, personalities and activities. Information regarding previous meeting minutes, treasury report, and the Find of the Month will be provided to the Newsletter Editor by the Appropriate officer.
Section 6.
The club shall not be conducted or operated for profit, and no part of any profits, remainder or residue from dues or donations to the club shall inure to the benefit of any individual.
Section 1.
Any person interested in metal detecting or related fields of coin and token collecting, relic hunting and prospecting may be eligible for membership by application, subject to approval by the Executive Board.
Section 2.
There are three classes of membership in the O.T.T.S.
(a) Senior individual membership shall be any person who has paid their annual dues and is at least 18 years of age.
(b) Family membership shall be any single household group who have paid their annual dues. The member of record must qualify as a senior member. All members of age 18 or older and spouses are senior members
(c) Junior members shall be any person who is under the age of 18 at the time they pay their membership dues.
Section 3.
In addition to regular memberships, a Lifetime Membership may be granted to any person who has contributed immeasurably to the metal detecting profession or hobby. To qualify the member must have performed acts that are above the norm expected in the pursuit of our hobby. Such acts as providing or seeking legislative actions to protect our parks and lands from closure or restrictions. Lengthy membership or having served in many club positions does not qualify. Said acts shall have occurred over an extended period of time. The Executive Board shall select the member for consideration of Lifetime Membership who meet the above criteria. The honor is then bestowed upon any nominee receiving a majority vote of those in attendance. Once granted, Lifetime Membership is free of all dues and assessments. (12/07/13)
Section 4.
Once annually a special award is available to the Executive Board to honor one (1) OTTS member they deem worthy of special recognition for services performed for the Club. The President’s Award is bestowed at the sole discretion of the Board and requires no vote by the membership. The only requirement is that the nominee be a member in good standing for that year. The member receiving such recognition will be granted a free membership for the coming year. (12/07/13)
Section 5.
Discrimination as described by state, local or national statutes is acknowledged by this Constitution and will not be allowed, nor will any double standard be allowed to exist.
Membership may be terminated by resignation or nonpayment of annual dues. An action may also be taken by the Executive Board to terminate a membership as a disciplinary measure. If a member wishes to resign, a written notice to that effect should be mailed to the club P.O. Box or delivered to the Secretary or Treasurer. Memberships are annual, from Jan 1 thru Dec. 31 and will be considered lapsed after that. If unpaid for more than 30 days after expiration the membership will be considered terminated.
Section 1.
O.T.T.S. club meetings will be held monthly at such hour and place as designated by the President
Section 2.
Executive Board meetings will be held prior to the regular monthly meetings
Section 3.
Special Club meetings may be called at any time by the President or by majority vote of the Executive Board. The membership shall be informed in advance of any special
meeting and reasons therefor.
Section 4.
All regular club meetings will be held within a twentyfive (25) mile radius of Portland
Section 1.
Amendments to the Constitution and/or ByLaws must be given prompts consideration by the Executive Board and a general vote taken within 90 days. The specific amendment will be published in the OTTS newsletter and web site one month prior to consideration in order to allow those not in prior attendance and others the chance to voice their views before a vote is taken.
(12/07/13). Amendments must be approved by at least a 2/3rd majority vote of the members in attendance.
Section 2
. Amendments may be proposed by the Executive Board or by a membership petition signed by 20% of the general membership and addressed to the Secretary or Treasurer.
This organization may be dissolved by written consent of not less then 2/3rd of the members in good standing. All assets will be given to a charity selected by the membership at the time of dissolution.
The order of business at all general meetings will normally follow the stated format:
Call to Order
Roll Call of Executive Board
Minutes of Last Meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Report from Committees\
Old (unfinished) Business
New Business
Program Before or after break
Find of the Month
Concluding Comments
The name of this organization shall be the “Oregon Treasure Trail Society”, hereinafter referred to as O.T.T.S. in these By-Laws.
To unite and associate persons who are interested in the recreational pastime and sport of searching for coins, jewelry, relics, artifacts, etc.To promote education and skills in the use of metal detection equipment and enlighten members as to the care and collection of found objects. To cooperate with and render services to law enforcement agencies , as well as assist other public and private entities as agreed upon by the members in general when our skills and assistance have been formally requested.
Section 1. Memberships are open to interested persons and are described in the O.T.T.S. Constitution. Article III.
Section 2. As stated in the O.T.T.S. Constitution, Article IV, all memberships are annual from 1 January thru December 31. If unpaid more than 30 days after expiration, the membership will be terminated.
Section 3. Dues are to be reviewed by the Executive Board each year and adjustments made if deemed necessary. Current dues will appear on the OTTS Membership Application.
Section 4. Dues shall be paid on or before 1 January each year. New memberships require full annual dues if joining prior to 30 June or 2/3 rd of the full annual dues for the remainder of the year. (9/24/13 - effective 1/1/14).
Section 5. The four officers elected to the Executive Board, Past President (9/24/13), News Letter Editor and the Web Master (11/23/07) shall be exempt from dues while holding that position.
The elected officers shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. These members shall make up the Executive Board. Elections for these positions shall be held in December, with nominations being requested in October and November, as well as immediately prior to elections.
These members, and the immediate Past President, shall make up the Executive Board. Additionally, there may be, at the President’s discretion, an appointed Sergeant-at-Arms and two (2) Board Members who’s duties follow:
Sergeant -at-Arms:
Shall keep order at the meetings.Shall see that all members and guests sign in and are wearing some form of name tag.Shall see that all raffles are covered. If necessary, seek the aid of Board Members or other members to assist in the sale of tickets. Shall be in charge of ballots whenever voting takes place.Shall appoint one or two persons to assist in collecting and counting votes. No person running for office may perform this function.
Board Members:
The Board Members shall attend all meetings possible, both Executive and regular. They shall assist the Sergeant-at-Arms when necessary and shall also assist if there is a need for manning a table, selling tickets, or as requested with outings or other club functions.
Section 1. A Nominating Committee of three (3) active members shall be appointed by the President at the October meeting. They shall contact all the Senior members to determine who may be interested in holding an office.
Section 2. There can be nominations accepted from the floor at the October and November meetings. The Nominating Committee shall report their results to the membership at the November meeting. These nominations shall be shown in the newsletter’s election announcement.
Section 3. A last minute call for nominations will be accepted at the December meeting prior to any election. Section 4. A majority vote of all members present, by secret ballot, shall determine the elected officers. In the case of only one nominee , the Chair may declare the nominee elected.Section 5. The Elected Board shall assume duties on the 1st of the new year. The term of office
shall be from Jan 1 thru Dec 31. No President or Vice President shall hold the same office for more than two consecutive terms.
There may be committees, normally comprised of at least two members, who have been appointed by the President. All appointments shall be made by the President with the approval of the Executive Board. These may be: Find of the Month, Outings, Competition Hunt, Fund Raiser, Raffle Sales or any other committee determined to be of benefit to the general membership and efficient operation of the O.T.T.S.
Amendments to the Constitution and/or By-Laws will be as outlined in Article VI of the Constitution and these ByLaws. The Constitution shall constitute the statement of organization and operation of O.T.T.S. as set forth by the most current revision. Each member of O.T.T.S. shall receive a copy of each within 30 days after payment of the initial membership dues, if not immediately upon payment.
ARTICLE VII Entirely 11/23/07
Section 1. Anyone hosting a monthly Club Hunt is entitled to an award based on the following schedule:
1st hunt - 5 points
2nd hunt - 10 points
3rd hunt - 10 points (Max of 25 points for this incentive to any individual)
Section 2. Monetary awards for the top five finalists shall be limited to a max of $ 100.00 - (30/25/20/15/10 dollars)
Section 3. Certificates of Merit shall also be awarded to positions 6 through 15.
Section 4. During the year needs may arise for the chairmanship of various club functions. Functions, so designated by the Executive Board, shall be eligible for points towards FOTY in an amount not to exceed 25 points.